last black friday we woke up at the crack of dawn (maybe earlier) and joined the gazillions of 'sale-thirsty' folks in pushing up the american economy... i have done this almost every year since i got here in 1999, but i think thats gonna slow down a bit now... well, anyways, the main reason we went shopping last bf is cos my father-in-law wanted a certain gps device from cc. so, we bought the "mio c310x digiwalker" for $150 ar. i thought that was a pretty good deal, but doubted the name/reputation etc. cos all you hear in the us these dayz is garmin, magellan and tomtom (which is really european). almost 6 months and multiple experiences later, i kinda like that device and now that deepa and i are thinking of getting our own i am in a dilemma... should i go for the reputation, price or name? mio c310x is the only gps device that i've really experienced and cant really compare it to a similar priced (maybe a lil higher, say around $250) garmin or tomtom... anyone got any suggestions and/or reviews for me?
if you like it and price is good than buy it.
I need to buy GPS...its so easy to navigate in the boston's one way roads....
may be next black friday.....
Desert Fox said...
7:59 PM
I want to buy one also but I ma still waiting for a while. Few things to keep in mind:
1) Is this GPS suitable only for US or is it worldwide
2) If you travel outside US, can you use your GPS in other countries without buying the maps for that country.
3) If you do need to buy maps for other countries, how much do they cost and weather they will work with your GPS unit.
I shall let u know more as i find out.
Sukesh said...
9:39 AM
just follow the damn signs.
Tulan said...
11:09 AM
what if there are no signs? i'd rather have a gps, than try to use the sun and the stars :)
premal said...
2:00 PM
sukesh > right now, i really dont care if the gps device works anywhere else but US. I dont think i'll be going anywhere for a while ;) by the time we are ready to head outside US, i think i'll be ready to buy another one :) so right now, i need something < $250 (or even $300) which has most of the features... like realtime traffic, local gas prices, maximum # of POI, touchscreen, voice prompts, good looks, easy install etc.
premal said...
2:06 PM
Just buy it.
Desert Fox said...
2:45 PM
Try to look for devices that you can easily update the road database. Although roads don't change that often, it would still be nice to be up to date. That is a major flaw in in-car nav systems. To update the roads the dealer charges you a ridiculous amount.
nightfox said...
6:33 PM
from what i understand there are 2 diff. kinds of GPS 'data' systems > preloaded with capability to load more on the chip, and ones that update info realtime via satellite. is that true?
premal said...
8:35 AM
I'm not sure if I get what your saying, but usually what a GPS does is take your exact location(in Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds) and basically "plot" it on a preloaded map that comes with the Navigation.
I think there is also a difference in response times. Our Pilot's navigation allows us to enter a location while on the move, but for the Lexus, you have to be completely stopped (can make you really frustrated).
nightfox said...
6:52 PM
no, what i meant was how the system updates its brain. say for instance, u wanna download more maps or something.
premal said...
9:24 PM
well the gps comes with maps loaded on it. So for example if you buy a GPS today in US, you will get a unit with preloaded maps of US. Then when u start using it, it uses the maps loaded in the memory and the GPS signal to figure out where you are.
Now if you were to take the unit to France for example, then you would have to load, usually for and extra charge, the maps for France and then when you use it in France, the loaded maps og France and the GPS would work togather to show yo where u r and how to get where u want to.
Sukesh said...
10:51 AM
cool, one other thing i liked about the Mio is that its got a SD card slot with an MP3 player... so u can load all your songs on one of those and use the FM transmitter to play it on your car speakers...nice eh?
btw (specially for nightfox) Mio is fully hackable :) to run WinCE etc.
premal said...
11:19 AM
That is just awesome!! you have no idea how much i look into the 'hackability' of an electronic device before I buy it(PSP, RAZR, XBOX, etc.)
Those are some pretty cool extras, especially since they were able to squeeze all that into such a small price and form factor. One of the biggest advantages is removable media (missing in my RAZR)it leaves so many options open, and for some GPS devices, it even means having more maps.
nightfox said...
4:20 PM
Recently I came across ViaMichelin X-930 which is listed for $200 in many stores including It also has pretty good reviews and seems similar to the lower priced Garmins.
Anyone have any first hand experience with the "ViaMichelin X-930" device and/or can compare it with the Mio x310x, similar priced Garmins etc.?
premal said...
10:15 AM
Tulan said...
11:15 AM
what are you going to name your GPS system which u get. thought of it yet?
u know what i am talking about if u read boston herald yesterday
Tulan said...
11:16 AM
GyPSy :)
premal said...
12:00 PM
^Reviews for some GPS from CNET, They are pretty expensive and sometimes CNET can have biased reviews.
nightfox said...
2:12 PM
I like the Garmin GUI the best. We (my bro and I) bought our parents a Garmin nuvi and they love it. Its small enough that it fits in my mom's purse. That way, when they go someplace that involves walking, they mark the location of their car and take the GPS with them. This helps them find their car when they get out.. (Especially in huge mall parking lots)
Tanvi said...
11:56 AM
small size is advantageous in cases like that, but how is it when u r driving and need the bigger screen size?
premal said...
1:03 PM
Nuvi is good enough. And, it has speakers, so, it will also tell you what to do.
Tanvi said...
4:19 PM
Hey Premal,
I came across this site; it might be helpful to you guys.
Kris said...
10:47 AM
We still posting on this topic!!!!
Desert Fox said...
1:51 PM