Check this out... is it really worth becoming a member? I mean, its good to know that I'm nerdy enough for this society (cos to qualify, u gotta score in the top 2 percent of the general population on an accepted standardized intelligence test) , but what's the point in being a part of it if there are more than 100,000 members worldwide, and an estimated six million Americans eligible for membership... what big difference can a 'regular' nerd make anyways?
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IQ score proves me nothin.
I know I'm smart But I don't go on the street Wearing a label saying 'I'm smart'.
Desert Fox said...
2:26 PM
IQ stands for intelligence quotient. Supposedly, it is a score that tells one how 'bright' a person is compared to other people. Hence, it is only a 'relative' measure. IQ score only reflects one's capacity for performing intellectual tasks, such as solving mathematical problems or puzzles etc.
I agree that IQ score means nothing to most people and having a lower IQ score doesnt exactly mean you are dumb but dumb ppl dont wear a 'i'm dumb' label either :)
premal said...
2:34 PM
Again Premal IQ test are man made. If the people who sets up the standard for the IQ have some form of flow in them than IQ test are just like exam in the school, which means nothing outside the school.
Plus IQ exam all over the world is different, so their are no standards plus all of them have different scoring system.
But I do agree that It is the only way To find out it the person is smart or not. Nevertheless, its a measure created by man.
Desert Fox said...
3:46 PM
if there is no standard (or baseline), then what are you comparing people with?
everything you live you life with is based on man-made standards and principles... thats the reason why you compare your 'smartness' with other humans and not animals. And anyways, who else would create a test of measure of human smartness?
you can be smart in different ways... for example: being street smart does not mean you are intellectually smart and vice versa.
IQ tests measure your intellectual capability... yes it is just a test like any other school test, but IQ tests dont vary much all over the world.
premal said...
4:11 PM
But its a number that a group of people agreed to keep as a high and low.
Don't get me wrong. I totally agree with you. Without man made unit we are nothing. For example, time, lenght, temperature, etc. they all are man made unit.
Desert Fox said...
5:07 PM
Oh i missed these one all day. IQ. Humm premal , DF is smart in all thing he dont need no exams ;-)
Well first of all can i find like a sample questions for these exam. I heard of it but never bothered to check it out so any one got a link to a sample paper or question do post.
I mean think of that guy TAREK from THE APPRENTICE. guy was way dumber than a donkey and even with the credentials he had i could run a business better than he ran any of those projects for sure.
Tulan said...
5:08 PM
Tulan said...
5:15 PM
That guy was in Mesan. Now think of that, IQ test is supposed to test your common knowledge and check how fast your tube-light goes on in certain situtation.
You can take these IQ test Online, although don't know where, never taken, but just google it. Oh sorry I don't support Google, Just yahoo it.
Desert Fox said...
6:49 PM
Tulan, here are some IQtest links:
premal said...
2:38 PM
that wasnt so bad in the though they wont gimme the resulf for free.
is it the same thing with the exam u took or the member of the club u are of?
Tulan said...
4:35 PM
did they give you a score?
no, wasnt the test i took for qualifying with MENSA... that was based on my GRE score.
here's another good one:
premal said...
4:43 PM
I took an IQ test online and got the results for free, don't remember the site though. I don't have a problem with the IQ test. They ask a wide variety of questions. I thought it was pretty easy. But I am a genius so maybe that was way ;-)
I agree that the test just measures book smarts not people smart or street smart. You need to be all 3 to be truely smart.
Anonymous said...
4:56 PM
i thought it was easy too that is why i was disappointed i have to pay for the scores
premal what i meant was the is it the same kind of exam they give in mensa.
Tulan said...
5:42 PM
i dont know what kinda test they ask you to take for MENSA... my invitation to the society was based on my GRE score, not 'their' test score. So, basically there are 2 ways to get into MENSA: either by passing their test, or scoring atleast a certain minimum on other valid standard tests.
premal said...
8:40 AM
the test they have here:
is not that easy... they tell u the score for free. lemme know what u score :)
premal said...
8:41 AM
let me try my other score at kinda sucked i only got 108. but then i was taking that test while working so i had to rush rush on everything
Tulan said...
10:29 AM
whoaa that
exams in there aint IQ exams man they got history questions, what is the longest bottle wine question, what era was the first mountain range formed etc etc kinda deal. Then there were matching the patterns and stuff. Does that count in IQ But that test was freaking hard. How would i know which is the longest bottle of wine.
Tulan said...
10:35 AM
that is pretty consistent... i took that test 3 diff. years and i got almost the same score.
that highiqsociety test aint exactly the iqtest for regular folk like us... its an iqtest for ppl with high iqs :)
premal said...
11:28 AM