so what do i do anyways?

too many people have been and still are astonished when i mention that i'm an engineer but not IT or software or hardware.... its almost like them asking me "then why are you in the US again?" guess a 'structural marine engineer' just aint cool enough...

so this is for those people who are really interested in what i do... click!

my company Heger Dry Dock, Inc., designs floating docks, like the one you see in the video, with the 2 cranes on it, the one that floods down to launch the submarine.

Added 05-06-08

Floating Dry Docks are steel structures (sometimes massive) that consist of machinery (pumps, valves, controls) and ballast (water) tanks. By flooding the ballast tanks the dock can be submerged to dock a ship and then dewatered to lift the docked ship out of the water... vice versa to undock the ship.


I think you need to explain it further in simpler terms. BTW...who all are asking you what you actually do(besides me of course :-p)?

10:09 AM  

Don't worry Premal I'm in the same boat. When desis ask me whats my major; I'm sure they are more shocked than your answer. At least its still engineering. Mine is completely off the charts.
I'm not sure, but isn't the Deep Sea Oil Drilling sites use the same kind of technology as the floating dry docks to float their platform.

3:35 PM  

all principles of buoyancy my friend.

4:58 PM  

i think it is COOL.

SO when are u taking us all to a field trip to show us what u do. I am sure it will really interesting in all seriousness. I love seeing all the dock activities in progress.

12:39 PM  

I still don't understand what your part in all this is. Don't get me wrong, the video is real cool.

9:25 PM  

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